
Happy new year!



I'm in Sweden again. It's cold as f. but still awesome. 

The landscapes, the weather, everything makes me want to just go for a walk listen to black metal all day and fight with wooden sticks in the forest. Or axes, could work too.

We actually chopped 1 tree or 2, like real Vikings! 

We've been in the city to look at the lights

Those Swedish Xmas breads are sooo delicious!! They're called 'Lussekatt'

Tails and hearts! Just missing the heads on a spike

BBQ with -10 degrees. Spareribs!

Shrimp feast!!!

...and alcohol of course! 

This drink was so gross but hey, BRUTAL? Had to buy it.

What witches actually do. Beer.


Happy Pirate's Day, hey ho!

Perfect day to get drunk lads! and tomorrow the Brewfest starts! But it's not like we need an excuse to drink beer, do we? Most of all in Germany :>

[The Captain's Booty] To get your achievement go to Booty Bay and drink (alcohol, that's the point of it all) with Dread Captain Demeza, on the roof next to the Horde flightmaster. You'll get a pirate costume for 12h that persists through death. Seems like we're gonna have a lot of pirates in BGs today.



Unholy Propaganda Bis

As i promised yesterday, here's my special post about the best class in the whole world, lovely Death Knights ♥

Mostly a post for Death Knights in PvP so i didn't make anything for blood yet, since i'ts not good as before for PvP (they nerfed the mastery shield absorbtion etc.) I might make a post for blood PvE tanking DK later on!

Before i start don't forget everyone has his very own way to play, you can never teach "how to play in PvP" and it's useless to copycat EVERYTHING on highranked players thinking it will make you just as good. Then again, here is a list of useful stuff which can help out a bit, if you're just newly starting with a Dk.


In any spec i would say this macro is really nice to have:
Lichborne + Deathcoil. Basically, it's a heal, that you can use as soon Lb is off cooldown (2 min) It spams Deathcoil on yourself and heals you as long as you have enough runic power.

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast Lichborne
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

For frost: If you want a lot of burst dmg i advice this macro that works pretty good for me. Pillar of Frost + PvP dmg Trinket.

#showtooltip pillar of frost
/cast pillar of frost
/cast Vicious [Name of your trinket here]*

* I have atm the Vicious Gladiatior's Badge of Victory that gives 1'605 strength for 20 sec when used.

There is also Raise Dead + Dead Pact. Make sure you have enough runic power before casting it. I personally have them separate, not really sure how it works since there's a sshort delay til the ghoul gets out f the ground. But it's one to try out if you want a fast heal. Avoid using it as unholy.


The best would definitely be to bind all of them but i'll list the most important ones.

Mind freeze: Interrupt 10 sec cd
Strangulate: 5 sec silence, 30 yards. 2 min cd so be sure you make it a good use! (for ex when the ennemy healer is at rly low hp)
Icebound Fortitude: Reduces dmg taken by 20% and makes you immune to stun. Use it when you're close to die or smth so you have time to heal.
Anti-Magic Shell: Use at the right moment, 45 sec cd. It's my favorite thing against mages, makes them just super useless for 7 secs haha don't forget you can use this against other DK's and Paladins too!
Death Strike: Far not as good as before but still a heal.
Necrotic Strike: Absorbs the healing your target receives and gives it to you instead! So use it as much as you can if you meet a team with a healer. Also increases casting time by 30% :3
Blood Tap: Use when your runes are on cd.
Chains of Ice: Obvious?
Dark Simulacrum: A MUST have. You can copy any spell the enemy casts. Stays for 8 secs on the enemy, be precise when you cast it cuz it will only copy the first spell they spend mana on. I basically stole wings, blink and even mirror images once \o/


Glyph of Scourge Strike
Glyph of Death coil
Glyph of Raise Dead

Glyph of Strangulate
Glyph of Anti Magic Shell
Glyph of Dark Succor? (i dunno rly since they nerfed it, but yea...)

Glyph of Horn of Winter
Glyph of Resilient Grip
Glyph of Blood Tap

Glyph of Obliterate
Glyph of Howling Blast
Glyph of Frost Strike

Glyph of Pillar of Frost
Glyph of Strangulate
Glyph of Anti Magic Shell

Same as unholy
" "
" "

Some lil' tips:

Death Grip is the DK's best friend, so use it often and wisely! dk is pretty much about kiting, put chains of ice as much as you can also.

Now once you've got all this, go for some practice. Nothing will make you better as practicing. Good luck, and may the might of Mograine be with you!


Unholy Propaganda


I'm actually back since a few days but you know, i was busy catching up everyone in getting gear and with getting conquest points. Ok, to be honest i've still been lazy in getting the new 371 gear. I mean, gosh... I like BG's but like in random dungeons it's really rare that you get a good group, and especially a group without bots. And it's soooooooo frustrating to lose against a noob team just because your team is even more noobish. Still, seems like it's not that much about gear, since it was kinda smooth to beat full 371 teams. There's where you see who got his gear with arenas and who just farmed it in BG's when the new season started, innit.

I planned to get my full 371 gear on my DK this week end! Why? Well it's Isle of Conquest call to arms!!! So it's just perfect <3 May be i'll get in on my druid too. Basically i have some ruthless gear on my DK and may be 2 pieces of vicious glad 10, and 2 also on my druid. Ah yea, i guess you noticed that you got a 4k honor compensation for having bought season 9 gear eh? Well i had only purchased 1 thing for may be 1'650 honor, and i got 4k honor! woot i'm happy!

Now for the arena teams/setups:

2v2: I've been playing frost to try it out, it's fine, it's pretty much burst dmg. But hey, i'm addicted to unholy since i've started playing my DK. I really missed it and started playing it again. I would stay from the stats, it's atm just as good as frost, buuut, you need some more skillz (yea sorry you don't need skill to play frost). My goal is now to play unholy/disc, or unholy/ret. I'm probably gonna go for unholy/ret or even frost ret may be cuz cba to do 1 mio years matches, at least wth 2 dpsers or you one shot someone and win or just die really hard. In both cases, it's fast!

3v3: I have no idea of a team with my DK for 3v3 yet, as i said i don't like to play with randoms so i only have a limited choice of players to play with. So i'll go with my druid for the first time 3v3, we're gonna try Frost mage/arms warrior/ resto druid lolilol, i have no fuckin' idea how this will work out! i'll let you know, but i bet i'm fail at 3v3 healer, it's too many things to think o: I would LOVE to play feral, but i have really less than 0 gear for it, so i'll have to QQ alone and shut up about playing feral.

In my next post i'll make it a little more detailled about this wonderful class called Death Knights, eventhough there is no "how to play" in PvP, there are may be some macros you could use etc. You can always check my armory for gems, reforging and enchants if you wish in the Characters section.

Suffer well!


Arena season 10, be prepared.

Basically the new arena season started yesterday. All i can say is that i'm glad i didn't farm any Vicious gear for honor. Some of my friends farmed the whole damn set and i read ppl aren't happy at all to have farmed all this for nothing. Why? Well because now there is a new set for honor better than the old Vicious one. Yes really.

It's not like it matters that much, i already have gear and if i want to farm this new set it's not a problem for me. I just don't want to enter arenas and get facerolled by keyboard turning frost mages just because they farmed  1 mio years in bgs. Anyways is full Vicious season 9 actually crap? I don't think so. If you're skilled enough i think you can make your way through the first arenas even if you don't have the top gear yet. Question is now, shall i farm this "new" set anyways or not?

It looks exactly like the Bloodthirsty one and i find it EXTREMELY boring. I first got confused because the set pieces have the same name as the Season 9 Vicious pieces but with like much better stats.
In my oppinion the best choice is just to farm honor to replace the Bloodthirsty pieces that still remain in my gear by the Vicious season 10 pieces. Then off to the arenas and get Ruthless gear! Which looks super sweet for Dks! Not that much change but love it.

Looks brutal enough to me 

Ah yeah, another thing. They ridiculously changed the honor cap, that we all know, they also changed the Conquest points cap to 1650 pro week. BUT, you can only get 1350 with arenas... So you're actually forced to do Rated Bgs for your weekly cap. Note that you can also get all your conquest points by ONLY doing rated BGs. I don't really know how to feel about this since i love arenas much more than Bgs... And i'll have to be on Teamspeak. Bleh... Btw do they want you to have the best PvP gear to accept you into a Rated Bg group? Or is my 3,6k resi enough for now? o:

To conclude, today i'm going to get my remaining Bloodthirsty gear replaced (on my DK at least)
I'm not gonna rush doing this because i'm going to holidays soon and i rather play more "serious" after it, so i'm just gonna get the conquest pts for the week and that's it. Anyways I can still get my Ruthless Gladiator title a few days before the end of the season, right? :3

What do you think about that new 371 honor set? And about doing Rated Bgs for conquest pts?

Wish you all a wonderful farming day!




About patch 4.2, how do you like it so far?

Hi there!

I thought i'll make a feedback of the new patch while eating my morning chocolate cereals nomnom. Ok this post might be kinda long since i like to add pics and such (may be i should start making videos but omg i hate to hear my own voice) I didn't have time to explore all of it yet, but i'm going to write about at least the new things that have been added, changes, new dailies etc. etc.

Let's start with the most important thing for a girl *sigh*


So, i heard all the new hairstyles haven't been added yet, but i found out there were already new ones for night elves, blood elves, trolls, tauren (horns). I made some screencaps so you can fully appreciate! But as I said, there will be more to come... No date yet tho.

Night elf

Sassy Buns. Model: Daikiri
Sassy Tails. Model: Anaesthetic
I kept the Sassy Buns hairstyle on Daikiri, fits a little mage. But my DK is emo enough atm, so she'll stay with her traditional long night elf hair. Don't you just love this lovely pink/purple hair color?

Blood elf

Braided Tail - Model: Renardette 

From left to right: Sticks & Stones, Backblown Model: Lovegame (special thanks)


From left to right: High, Omega, Backswept. Model: Vainglory
2# New questlines, Firelands dailies

I know, I know, this one should have gone first. Myeah, what can I say about these new quests? I don't want to spoil anyone, and even if i wanted to, i can't D: Why? 
Well go play Alliance on a server which is 80% Horde. I am not complaining about World PvP, i think it's awesome and Blizzard overdid it with putting OP guards at EACH goddamn place so you can't gank anyone BUT, this time it was like without exagerating 20-25 hordes and 4 allys? Including me, geez. All of us standing on the tiny plateform for the first part of the Thrall questline in Uldum. So you basically had to stand on the border of that plateform, and pull mobs from there so that the 1 mio hordies didn't see you. Omg PvE heroes srsly... (
I hope this tip helps for those who are in the same situation) Hopefully i was there with my resto druid so i can't rly die, but doing quests as a healer my my... Also if you die there it resets your quest \o/
When i FINALLY finished the first part of the Thrall quest, i got teleported to Vash'jir to do the "water part"... And guess what? I think that even before my screen was loaded i was already dead! Yes because there were 10 thousand hordes questing there and found it funny to wait til a poor ally showed up to anihilate him. I gave up and thought i'll do that once around 2 am when all these kids are sleeping.

Earlier today i did the other Firelands questline with my DK this time, it was empty of hordes and i could get to the first dailies with no problems, at 10 am the hordes started to spawn like worms in a rotten corpse (ehm...) probably cuz they finished watching their daily cartoons and decided to log in. OH BUT YES, i "probably QQ cuz i got pwned", wisest sentence of the day.

Anyways, i would say without spoiling that the quests are really fun, with many animations and cinematics, different phases and a cool storyline around the healing of Azeroth, Thrall etc. You also start receving a new currency called "Mark of the World Tree" which will be used to unlock new dailies until you did all phases, then the vendors become available and will sell rewards for gold.

3# PvP gear + New arena season

You guys are probably aware the season 9 is now ended and the new season starts in about a week. For those who didn't know, please stop looking and asking where you can buy the new arena sets, they are NOT out yet, be a bit patient :P You can now buy Vicious gear for honor. Yay... or not so fast. I bought a Vicious trinket for my druid and then wanted a relic, buuut here is what showed up:

Yeah, you can't buy the whole Vicious gear just like Bloodthirsty gear for honor. That would be too easy, wouldn't it? For all weapons and obviously relics, you need a certain amount of honor earned, 7'250 to be precise, to purchase. Good luck farming BG's. Not sure i'll have time to get my whole gear til next week, but i'll do my best to improve it as good as i can. I'm half Vicious geared on my DK and got about 4-5 pieces on my druid, all from arenas, so it shouldn't take too long eventhough i personally like arenas way more than BG's. Well and to think all unskilled BG farmers will have the same gear as i have in no time, makes me a bit sad, gotta admit that -.-

#4 Changing your character's position in menu

omfg i've been waiting for this one for a loooonnnng time! No more lvl 1 before my 85's huhuu

#5 Map and mailbox animation

#6 Alliance/Horde balloon pets

These are so cool! Reward for the quest Blown Away in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
Since it's a lvl 20 quest, make sure to track low lvl quests if your 85. For Alliance, the little draenei called Vin can be found in the cathedral square. The balloons are spread around the city, just look carefully!

7# Randomz

Another new thing i noticed is that the hunter pets are out while mounted! I'll add more stuff if i find out, for now that was it.

And you, what do you think of the new patch so far? Anything you would remove/change or that you really love about it?




Waiting for patch 4.2 ♥

Hello world!!! 

It's been a hell of a time i didn't post anything on this blog. There was a lot of stuff i wanted to write, but guess i got lazy as always, but this time I PROMISE!!! i will keep it updated (if anyone reads it anyways \o/)

I am now sitting on my computer since 7 this morning. I woke up at 6 what is a total record considering it's holidays. Bad luck for me because now i have to wait EVEN MORE, for... wait what? Yea like all of you nerds, for the patch 4.2! So since i don't have anything to do, that no one is awake, i decided to post again on my beloved blog.

And at 11 i will be ONLINE ♥

Don't get me wrong but i hate summer, it's way too warm, it's full of mosquitoes that bzit your ears, fat girls in mini skirts, you get turned to ashes by the sun or have to wear sticky OP sunscreen... meh. Hopefully i live in north Germany and the "bad" weather gives me a good excuse to stay at home being a huge no lifer >:3 

What happened these last months?

-> Switzerland trip, My birthdaaaaaaay, New makeup, Being an Alcoholic, Festival, BBQ, Kittens, Parties, Wrestling show, Rob Zombie concert, German beer, Wonderful long hair, Full Summer Shopping,

and also,

Play Elder Scrolls ♥ Full bloodthirsty geared Druid, Half vicious geared Death Knight, 1'500 matchmaking value, Lvl 70 Rogue, Feral spec, New guild, Guardian of Cenarius, Disc priest partner, Moonsaber, Frostlol Dk respec. AND MANY MORE!!!

Here a little comic a friend linked me, i found it funny and accurate after seeing so many of these lion mounts all over the place and actually no zhevras anymore o:

Omg... 50 min left!!! 

edit: could actually already log *_*


Tol Barad Commendations

Earlier this week  I could afford the [Reins of the Drake of the Westwind] from Tol Barad for 200 commendations.

I am not a great fan of the new drakes, i think they have a weird face, but i still kinda like to collect mounts, so i bought it. Mostly i didn't know what else to buy with my commendations since i don't really need anything more from this vendor anyways.

I would strongly recommend doing the dailies in Tol Barad. There are really nice rewards you can get, and by turning the dailies you earn commendations and reputation with the faction Bardin Warden's. When you win a battle there are about 6 quests available on the Tol Barad island, the Battleground island.  Then you can move to the Tol Bard peninsula (the one from the portal) and do the rest of the dailies. I can't tell which is the best moment in doing your dailies, probably when it's controlled by your faction, but there will still be people ganking you while you quest! Personally i think it is nice, cuz you get honorable kills while questing 

The first item I bought from the Quartermaster at the Alliance camp was the [Arcanum of Vicious Strength], a head slot enchant with +60 strength +35 resilience which is the best head enchant you can get for PvP and then the shoulder enchant +50 strength + 25 resi. I hesitated getting a sword frome there, but since I was going to have the Vicious Gladiator's sword, it had been a waste of those commendations and i saved them for the drake.
There are also trinkets, diverse enchants and weapons, mounts, etc. 
Here's the link to the vendor if you want to check out all what he sells with more details.

I am now saving for the spectral horsie! and then the seagul may be.
Btw. I didn't do the dailies EVERY single day, I got bored of it often, but I tried to do them when i had time and felt like it, and it went fast enough! Also don't forget you can make nice money from these, the mobs drop a lot of Embersilk Cloth and grey items worth golds at any vendor. There are also plenty of plants/flowers, elementium and mobs to skin, not to forget the cute Fox Kit pet which drops from the Baradin Foxes.

I kinda like him after all.
How much time did it take you for the achievement [Just Another Day in Tol Barad]? Because i am doing dailies for a long time now and didn't get it o.o looks like they never want to give me the quests i miss.


3 vs 3

After all, no 2vs2 today. We went 3vs3, with my usual blood DK arena partner, renamed the undying (i'm serious, he rly never dies) and a cutie pie prot paladin. Our team is called: "WTB MOAR TANKZ" Couldn't get a better name...

No names for the ©, but you can still stalk us on the armory!

Well don't worry we aren't planning to be #1 with this setup, but you would still be surprised how good we can be at it.

At the beginning, i have to be honest we met some teams which were like super fail. We had no great merit in beating the crap out of em, but who cares it's still points.

Yes, i have it. Also fixed the hair! Beauty 
We made a break after i got my precious, and i did a quick BG to purchase my new pvp cloak. I've hit 2.6k resilience, which is a pretty big upgrade comparing to 1 week ago! +600 resi.

Btw the sword is a dream. It's smooth like a cloud, i hit through ppl like into rotten tomatoes ♥ Remember my old weapon was the [Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator]* it's lovely pink like a raspberry but low for my goals. BIG UPGRADE OMFG x2.

Later we did more 3vs3 and wooooooot, we really did it first-class! Last week we had smth like only 30% wins now we have 75% wins! It looks like i am improving on the same time my gear does. I need more bindings goddammit. 

Feedback: I've reached 1k rating on 3vs3 too now, aye it's so extreme. I will definitely play again in the team this week, even if i have my cap pts... I am literally DYING for more arenas!!!


Twinkie Winkie

When i logged in today my arena partner wasn't online, and since i refuse to play with someone else, i decided to play a bit on my future lvl 60 twinkie. 

I first didn't even know what a twink was, i remember asking a friend:
-"lol your char is lvl 19 for a long time now, got trouble lvlig him?"
-"No, he's a twink.
-"Ahh ok." <--- having no idea what the hell a TWINK is.

Then when i knew what it was, i was like: Yo that's just for people who want to be sure to win at their lvl, it's lame! Yeah it's probably true in a way.

A lot of guys i knew had twinks, so after saying 10 mio times it sucked, i thought the idea wasn't bad after all. Since i like to have a lot of alts anyways, why not a twink? To me it's more like a doll you have to customize, and also a good way to relax after arenas, tough raiding or getting sick on your main in general. We all do sometimes, don't we?

I have a lvl 40 Mage called Daikiri on Shattered Hand like my main. I'm obsessed with female nelfs lately. She is going to be a lvl 60 twink. Eventhough you can't do BG's a that lvl, i think the gear is not too hard to get plus you can have flying mount. Daikiri strawberry is ARCANE, not fuckin' frost, thanks. I gotta say i'm in love with this spec, of course it requires more skill than frostlol mage but there's a lot of burst you can do.

I have another lvl 60 twink called Damian, a blood DK. I already got some of the gear i need on him. Actually made him to RP with a friend, but i think it's nice to make a twink out of him, since blood DK twinks are OP for 60. Especially cuz i don't want to lvl another DK to 85... Death Knight is the class i can play the best anyways. He's handsome, isn't he? 

Now i know some ppl are crazy about their bank chars, i do the same with mine. 
Nyponi, my lvl 20 enhancement shamy is the only real *DOLL* i have. She's also probably the only lvl 20 bank char but i wanted her to have a mount. She has many RP clothes and rides a red Hawkstrider  

I have as good as 0 xp in twinks, so if anyone can give me advices for my DK and Mage lvl 60, you would be welcome :)

Updates. You must be kidding me???

Before heading to bed i checked MMO champion for the weekly updates.
And this is what i saw:

I hope they are not serious or smth? lolilolol
Ah yes frost mages aren't OP enough, sure.

I gotta say i totally FFFFFFFFFFFÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ-ed for this -_- 
(yes, fü- because i'm german)

Blabla i don't care, tomorrow i'll get my sword, even with mages, even with double or triple frost mages i'll own everything and get this beauty and change my hair color back to blue!

Yes Sir.

Good night.


Arenas, yah! Arenas, yah!

I proudly present my Death Knight: Vicious Gladiator Anaesthetic

-> Attempt to look imba with paint.
So basically, it's the 2nd week i'm trying arenas, to get those damn conquest pts. Because i totally want this [Vicious Gladiator's Greatsword]*! I mean, it's super lush  Also, my actual weapon is starting to get rusty. I WANT MOAR GEAR (and a new hair color).

The arenas went pretty good, that means i have my pts (YES!) and without losing 100 to win 5. 
I even got past 1k rating now omg awesomeness! please note the irony in my sentence. My partner is a blood DK just like me and we pwn ¦D and no, it wasn't supposed to be the class-combo de la muerte for pvp but, it works fine for the weekly cap. Cuz we're good see. Idd.

Some of our 'weekly cap' encounters:
Alright, there was those two druids you know, it took like one million years to get them down. But, they couldn't get us down either. See the kind of shit where u feel like ur really losing ur time? 
A resto druid and a feral druid. The feral IN BEAR FORM is doing like ONE dmg to me every 5 years and even let's me heal on him when i need to (thank you death strike). Dear God, i already knew how it would end anyways, get the healer oom and we won. Thats how it happened. Nothing against druids, i have one myself, but wtf srsly. These kind of teams should be forbidden.

No comment about faceroll setups like DISC priest and FROST mage.

I won't say what i think of FROST mages here, cuz they really deserve a whole article, or may be not, THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT! feel the melee nerdraging.

The other teams were fine, sometimes we won sometimes we also won, fair enough ya know.
Can't wait for next week for more. It is kinda addicting isn't it? o.O

Have a nice week end !!!


My kiddos

Might be useful to make a presentation of my team:

Anaesthetic lvl 85 Unholy pink-emo-haired Night Elf Death knight.

Considering the title of my blog, i rather start with this one. 
MY MAIN *sparkle sparkle* 

When i got her to 80 she was just kind of an useless thing on a german normal server (just so you get the pic when i say useless thing). The poor babydoll got migrated to a french pvp serv into a blood elf where i got her geared. Nowadays she kicks some horde ass on Shattered Hand (english pvp) as a night elf again. Blood elf female melee looks just BLEH, how heavy can that weapon be?

I play unholy pvp on her, started with blood this season tho til i got some resi. I don't play with a mouse since so long, it's like i'm playing a totally new game. Anyways i don't wanna explain the "playing with a touchpad subject" now, it's embarrassing.

Otherwise, AS YOU CAN NOTICE, i made a super creative wordplay with her name for the title of this blog.

Vespertine lvl 82 Blood Elf Affliction Warlock

The first "serious" char i ever made is this lock. Basically, she was supposed to look like me, and she actually does. She's always gonna be my fav' of all, eventhough i don't play that much on her anymore, sooo many good times being a mega noob running around the Ghostlands with her. May i mention that i read ALL the quests cuz didn't have q helper and i thought you had to donate wool cloth in Silvermoon to get your hawkstrider \o/

For the Horde! 

Dystopia lvl 81 Blood Elf Shadow Priest

Made this priest when my lock hit 50 or something, actually to play with a friend who had just started the game. She had an orc warrior, so we planned in making a cool tank/healer combination. Never happened tho. I leveled the priest super fast to 70, but in the end, my friend got her cutie warrior to 80 before me. I'm extremely proud of myself that i got my undead Skeletal Horse around lvl 35 on this char, and it was way BEFORE you could use those retarded tabards for reputation with capital cities. I kinda cried when i heard  about them.

Morphine lvl 83 Night Elf Restoration Druid

Ehm... I don't know myself what to say about this one. It's like planning to have 3 kids and then suddently the 4th one is there (man i doubt this will be a good example) I like to have alts to play on when i'm bored of the mains, this druid girl was supposed to be one of them. But hell, one day she hits 70 and then 80! To be honest, i played healer with a tank, so the instant dungeon queue made the rest. One really cool thing about her? She is in a lvl 1 guild called <CUTE>. NICE.

Since, geez, i have 1 mio alts, cba to list more of 'em.

Btw. I know it's totally gay and unoriginal to play only elf girls. 


The death march begins!


The Light of Dawn

Soldiers of the Scourge, stand ready! Prepare to unleash your fury upon the Argent Dawn!
The sky weeps at the glorious devastation of these lands! Soon, Azeroth's futile tears will rain down upon us!
Death knights of Acherus, the death march begins!
Soldiers of the Scourge, death knights of Acherus, minions of the darkness: hear the call of the Highlord! 


The skies turn red with the blood of the fallen! The Lich King watches over us, minions! Leave only ashes and misery in your destructive wake!

* The music and the text just totally gives me the shivers