
Unholy Propaganda Bis

As i promised yesterday, here's my special post about the best class in the whole world, lovely Death Knights ♥

Mostly a post for Death Knights in PvP so i didn't make anything for blood yet, since i'ts not good as before for PvP (they nerfed the mastery shield absorbtion etc.) I might make a post for blood PvE tanking DK later on!

Before i start don't forget everyone has his very own way to play, you can never teach "how to play in PvP" and it's useless to copycat EVERYTHING on highranked players thinking it will make you just as good. Then again, here is a list of useful stuff which can help out a bit, if you're just newly starting with a Dk.


In any spec i would say this macro is really nice to have:
Lichborne + Deathcoil. Basically, it's a heal, that you can use as soon Lb is off cooldown (2 min) It spams Deathcoil on yourself and heals you as long as you have enough runic power.

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast Lichborne
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

For frost: If you want a lot of burst dmg i advice this macro that works pretty good for me. Pillar of Frost + PvP dmg Trinket.

#showtooltip pillar of frost
/cast pillar of frost
/cast Vicious [Name of your trinket here]*

* I have atm the Vicious Gladiatior's Badge of Victory that gives 1'605 strength for 20 sec when used.

There is also Raise Dead + Dead Pact. Make sure you have enough runic power before casting it. I personally have them separate, not really sure how it works since there's a sshort delay til the ghoul gets out f the ground. But it's one to try out if you want a fast heal. Avoid using it as unholy.


The best would definitely be to bind all of them but i'll list the most important ones.

Mind freeze: Interrupt 10 sec cd
Strangulate: 5 sec silence, 30 yards. 2 min cd so be sure you make it a good use! (for ex when the ennemy healer is at rly low hp)
Icebound Fortitude: Reduces dmg taken by 20% and makes you immune to stun. Use it when you're close to die or smth so you have time to heal.
Anti-Magic Shell: Use at the right moment, 45 sec cd. It's my favorite thing against mages, makes them just super useless for 7 secs haha don't forget you can use this against other DK's and Paladins too!
Death Strike: Far not as good as before but still a heal.
Necrotic Strike: Absorbs the healing your target receives and gives it to you instead! So use it as much as you can if you meet a team with a healer. Also increases casting time by 30% :3
Blood Tap: Use when your runes are on cd.
Chains of Ice: Obvious?
Dark Simulacrum: A MUST have. You can copy any spell the enemy casts. Stays for 8 secs on the enemy, be precise when you cast it cuz it will only copy the first spell they spend mana on. I basically stole wings, blink and even mirror images once \o/


Glyph of Scourge Strike
Glyph of Death coil
Glyph of Raise Dead

Glyph of Strangulate
Glyph of Anti Magic Shell
Glyph of Dark Succor? (i dunno rly since they nerfed it, but yea...)

Glyph of Horn of Winter
Glyph of Resilient Grip
Glyph of Blood Tap

Glyph of Obliterate
Glyph of Howling Blast
Glyph of Frost Strike

Glyph of Pillar of Frost
Glyph of Strangulate
Glyph of Anti Magic Shell

Same as unholy
" "
" "

Some lil' tips:

Death Grip is the DK's best friend, so use it often and wisely! dk is pretty much about kiting, put chains of ice as much as you can also.

Now once you've got all this, go for some practice. Nothing will make you better as practicing. Good luck, and may the might of Mograine be with you!


Unholy Propaganda


I'm actually back since a few days but you know, i was busy catching up everyone in getting gear and with getting conquest points. Ok, to be honest i've still been lazy in getting the new 371 gear. I mean, gosh... I like BG's but like in random dungeons it's really rare that you get a good group, and especially a group without bots. And it's soooooooo frustrating to lose against a noob team just because your team is even more noobish. Still, seems like it's not that much about gear, since it was kinda smooth to beat full 371 teams. There's where you see who got his gear with arenas and who just farmed it in BG's when the new season started, innit.

I planned to get my full 371 gear on my DK this week end! Why? Well it's Isle of Conquest call to arms!!! So it's just perfect <3 May be i'll get in on my druid too. Basically i have some ruthless gear on my DK and may be 2 pieces of vicious glad 10, and 2 also on my druid. Ah yea, i guess you noticed that you got a 4k honor compensation for having bought season 9 gear eh? Well i had only purchased 1 thing for may be 1'650 honor, and i got 4k honor! woot i'm happy!

Now for the arena teams/setups:

2v2: I've been playing frost to try it out, it's fine, it's pretty much burst dmg. But hey, i'm addicted to unholy since i've started playing my DK. I really missed it and started playing it again. I would stay from the stats, it's atm just as good as frost, buuut, you need some more skillz (yea sorry you don't need skill to play frost). My goal is now to play unholy/disc, or unholy/ret. I'm probably gonna go for unholy/ret or even frost ret may be cuz cba to do 1 mio years matches, at least wth 2 dpsers or you one shot someone and win or just die really hard. In both cases, it's fast!

3v3: I have no idea of a team with my DK for 3v3 yet, as i said i don't like to play with randoms so i only have a limited choice of players to play with. So i'll go with my druid for the first time 3v3, we're gonna try Frost mage/arms warrior/ resto druid lolilol, i have no fuckin' idea how this will work out! i'll let you know, but i bet i'm fail at 3v3 healer, it's too many things to think o: I would LOVE to play feral, but i have really less than 0 gear for it, so i'll have to QQ alone and shut up about playing feral.

In my next post i'll make it a little more detailled about this wonderful class called Death Knights, eventhough there is no "how to play" in PvP, there are may be some macros you could use etc. You can always check my armory for gems, reforging and enchants if you wish in the Characters section.

Suffer well!


Arena season 10, be prepared.

Basically the new arena season started yesterday. All i can say is that i'm glad i didn't farm any Vicious gear for honor. Some of my friends farmed the whole damn set and i read ppl aren't happy at all to have farmed all this for nothing. Why? Well because now there is a new set for honor better than the old Vicious one. Yes really.

It's not like it matters that much, i already have gear and if i want to farm this new set it's not a problem for me. I just don't want to enter arenas and get facerolled by keyboard turning frost mages just because they farmed  1 mio years in bgs. Anyways is full Vicious season 9 actually crap? I don't think so. If you're skilled enough i think you can make your way through the first arenas even if you don't have the top gear yet. Question is now, shall i farm this "new" set anyways or not?

It looks exactly like the Bloodthirsty one and i find it EXTREMELY boring. I first got confused because the set pieces have the same name as the Season 9 Vicious pieces but with like much better stats.
In my oppinion the best choice is just to farm honor to replace the Bloodthirsty pieces that still remain in my gear by the Vicious season 10 pieces. Then off to the arenas and get Ruthless gear! Which looks super sweet for Dks! Not that much change but love it.

Looks brutal enough to me 

Ah yeah, another thing. They ridiculously changed the honor cap, that we all know, they also changed the Conquest points cap to 1650 pro week. BUT, you can only get 1350 with arenas... So you're actually forced to do Rated Bgs for your weekly cap. Note that you can also get all your conquest points by ONLY doing rated BGs. I don't really know how to feel about this since i love arenas much more than Bgs... And i'll have to be on Teamspeak. Bleh... Btw do they want you to have the best PvP gear to accept you into a Rated Bg group? Or is my 3,6k resi enough for now? o:

To conclude, today i'm going to get my remaining Bloodthirsty gear replaced (on my DK at least)
I'm not gonna rush doing this because i'm going to holidays soon and i rather play more "serious" after it, so i'm just gonna get the conquest pts for the week and that's it. Anyways I can still get my Ruthless Gladiator title a few days before the end of the season, right? :3

What do you think about that new 371 honor set? And about doing Rated Bgs for conquest pts?

Wish you all a wonderful farming day!

